Nonprofit Startup

Nonprofit Startup

Many people who are passionate about a cause consider starting a nonprofit, but not all of them succeed at getting an organization off the ground. Our nonprofit startup services can help you first assess whether starting a nonprofit is truly the right step and help you determine the right type of organization for your goals. Our team will guide you through the process to ensure all state and federal paperwork is filed correctly to avoid costly mistakes.

State Filings
Every nonprofit raising dollars in the state of Oklahoma must file a charitable registration with the state of Oklahoma. In some cases, a nonprofit will need to register with every state in which they intend to raise funds, whether in person or online.

Federal IRS Filings
The specific charitable structure selected will determine what federal paperwork is necessary, but any organization who is applying to be a 501(c)(3) charitable organization will need to file a Form 1023. This is one of the most critical pieces of the startup, as it determines how the organization will be classified and thus what type of fundraising and programmatic work it can do.

Initial Board Actions
In the beginning stages of a nonprofit organization, the board must take specific actions that support the state and federal filings, as well as create initial bylaws and policies. Failure to properly document these actions can create problems with initial filings or annual filings in the future.

Need help with starting a nonprofit the right way? Contact us today.