

Once you have policies in place for your nonprofit, it’s important to ensure that your board, employees, and volunteers have been adequately trained in accordance with those policies. Any time new individuals join your board, they should go through board training to ensure they understand their role on the board and what good governance looks like.

Board Training
Your board members are responsible for governing the organization, and that means understanding their role on the board, being familiar with the organization’s policies, and knowing how to reduce risk to the organization and their fellow board members.

Employee Training
Nonprofit employees also need to understand how their role fits within the mission of the organization and know how to identify and mitigate potential risk to the organization. New employee training and annual employee training can help improve awareness of policies and protect the organization and its employees.

Volunteer Training
Volunteers are often the heart of an organization, but they too need to be aware of the policies and potential risk associated with their volunteer role. By training new and long-standing volunteers regularly, nonprofits can help protect everyone involved while making an impact in their community.

Need help with nonprofit training? Contact us today.