Additional Services

Tax-exempt organizations are a business that routinely need contracts drafted or reviewed, employee or volunteer management support, or desire to explore creation of a subsidiary. Our team is here to help effectively grow your organization.


Employee & Volunteer Management 

Managing employees and volunteers can be extremely complex, challenging, and continually changing. Our team has extensive experience to help you understand how to mitigate and manage the risks associated with hiring and supervising employees and utilizing volunteers. From conducting HR investigations to providing employment policies and procedures, we are here to assist you every step of the way to understand employment law and volunteer management requirements.

Social Enterprise & Subsidiaries  

Nonprofit organizations are a business. Organizations may therefore desire to create a subsidiary where certain exempt activities are performed and to aid the organization in further limiting its liability. Limited liability companies are a flexible business structure that can assist in structuring a subsidiary, joint-venture, or property holding company. Our team can aid in evaluating the best business structure for your subsidiary and properly setting up all subsidiaries for ongoing business growth. 

Social entrepreneurs seek to apply business strategies to improving financial, social, or environmental well-being. These mission-driven businesses have strong social objectives and goals to make a big impact in the world. Our attorneys understand this innovative way of thinking and have extensive experience in aiding entrepreneurs in successfully structuring their social enterprise.

Contract Drafting & Review 

During the lifecycle of your organization, the need for various contracts will grow. From insurance, lease, licensing, nondisclosure, confidentiality, and independent contractor agreements to gift and endowment agreements, Nonprofit Solutions Law, P.C. can assist you in the review or drafting of any contract needed, as you continue to grow your organization.

Mergers & Dissolutions 

When nonprofit organizations decide they want to merge into a single legal entity, our team can assist with the development of legal and structural guidance to ensure proper legal filings and asset transfers occur. 

When an organization determines that it must close the nonprofit, our team can walk you through the complex steps of dissolution. Closing a nonprofit is not as simple as selling the assets and wrapping up the organization’s programs. Dissolution requires board approval and approval by the state’s attorney general, in some cases, before the organization can sell or distribute all its remaining assets. It is imperative to wrap up the organization’s affairs correctly, let our team help be your guide throughout this complex process.